Benefits of Incorporating Yoga into Self-Care

The term self care has many forms. It can be as simple as words of affirmation or as elaborate as taking a trip. Self care by definition is the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health. (New Oxford Dictionary)

The verb, “taking action,” is the most important step in developing a self-care practice. 

Benefits of Yoga on the Body

The practice of yoga can be a great blend to address physical and mental health. Mental health is vital to overall health and well-being. Yoga is the practice of uniting the breath and the body into an organized harmony. Pranayama is the foundation of yoga and meditation. It can be practiced anywhere you feel comfortable, even at home. 

To practice, you can use either a chair or a mat; both are great options. Practicing pranayama is good for improving and strengthening physical and emotional health. It is known to reduce stress levels, improve sleep quality, increase mindfulness, and enhance cognitive performance, among others.


National Yoga Month

September is the perfect month to create and maintain a steady yoga practice. If you want to get started, here are some tips you can follow.


  1. Find a style of yoga that you enjoy

If you're new to yoga, finding a style that works for you can be a fun experience. There are many styles of yoga, from slow yin yoga to HIIT style power yoga and many variations in between. Searching online for Black yoga teachers can be a great option to get you started if you are open to different styles. 

  1. Find and create your yoga spot at home

Dedicating a place for your yoga practice helps you establish a routine. If you tend to transfer from one area to another area in the house for your practice, you might not be as committed to doing yoga regularly as you'd hoped for. Create a space where you can relax, be at peace when you practice, and commit to it.

Yoga at home Black woman Melanin Queen Creative

  1. Prepare your equipment

You can practice yoga with only a chair, and of course, you can do it with only your mat. You can also use yoga blocks and straps to assist in posture modifications.

Make sure you're wearing comfortable yoga clothes, have your own clean mat, some water, and if you practice outdoors, a blanket. Getting all your equipment ready helps you create a smooth yoga flow.

  1. Commit to a schedule

There might be some changes you have to make if you want to establish a solid yoga practice in your lifestyle. Planning a schedule that works for you will create action and accountability.

Here are some guide questions that might help you create a realistic schedule:

  • How long will you practice? 
  • What time of the day is most effective for you to practice?
  • How many days in a week can you commit to practice?
  1. Start with simple and basic poses

As you create your yoga practice, it's important to start simple to build your confidence and endurance. If you start with overly complicated poses, you might lose interest and get frustrated over time. The more consistent you are in your practice, the better you will become over time.

  1. Join a yoga challenge

Joining a yoga challenge can create excitement and new energy. Practicing yoga for 15 to 30 days helps you establish your routine. Practicing with other people or sharing it on social media can help motivate you to finish the challenge.

Check out this 30-day Flow Mantra yoga challenge that is perfect for beginners.

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